• Question: what is psychology to you?

    Asked by anon-323439 on 1 Apr 2022.
    • Photo: Reece Bush-Evans

      Reece Bush-Evans answered on 18 Mar 2022:

      Great question. To me, psychology is all about understanding human behaviour. This also entails understanding the human mind. So, why do we do the things we do? What motivates us to behave in a particular way? How can we improve our lives (and others’ too). It is exciting stuff.

    • Photo: Sophie Callis

      Sophie Callis answered on 18 Mar 2022:

      Psychology is the science of the mind – it’s a way of understanding how people think and behave, from a scientific background. The mind is so complex that I don’t think we’ll ever truly understand it, but psychological research and practice gives us insights that help us to help people and improve the world around us.

    • Photo: Hannah Howman

      Hannah Howman answered on 18 Mar 2022:

      Brilliant question! For me, psychology is about understanding people and why we behave the way we do. Do we behave in certain ways because of our personalities, because of our underlying motivations, or do we just think that certain behaviours are acceptable? Psychology can help to answer some of these questions and gives us insights into how we might be able to alter people’s behaviours when they’re harming others.

    • Photo: Michelle Newman

      Michelle Newman answered on 18 Mar 2022:

      For me, Psychology is about understanding who we are and why. And understanding that that can change depending on what is going on around us. Psychology can be a therapy, but it also about learning who we are as human beings.

    • Photo: Jamie Chan

      Jamie Chan answered on 18 Mar 2022:

      To me, psychology is about understanding and studying the human mind to find answers about why people behave the way they do and have certain thoughts and feelings about themselves.

    • Photo: Nadine Mirza

      Nadine Mirza answered on 22 Mar 2022:

      Psychology to me is how we understand individual people’s minds and behaviour, different groups thoughts and behaviour, how different people and different groups interact with each other, and how all of this can impact humanity as a whole.

    • Photo: Keri Wong

      Keri Wong answered on 28 Mar 2022:

      A useful area of knowledge that helps me better understand myself (how I react a certain way, why, and when) and how I relate to others around me.
