• Question: What topic in psychology do you fine the most interesting

    Asked by anon-315032 on 22 Mar 2022.
    • Photo: Reece Bush-Evans

      Reece Bush-Evans answered on 22 Mar 2022:

      For me, I love learning about personality – how people behave in certain ways and what makes them tick! We all have a personality, so it is interesting to see the differences and similarities 🙂

    • Photo: Hannah Howman

      Hannah Howman answered on 22 Mar 2022: last edited 22 Mar 2022 3:28 pm

      Similar to Reece, I really do love learning about personality. It’s so interesting to see the differences in people’s personality traits and how their traits contribute to their motivations and behaviours. For me, this is especially important when trying to develop interventions to combat cyberaggression.

    • Photo: Michelle Newman

      Michelle Newman answered on 23 Mar 2022:

      I’m interested in the much more biological side of Psychology, so understanding how the biology of our brains and bodies relates to our behaviours and what we can and can’t do.

    • Photo: Fay Sweeting

      Fay Sweeting answered on 23 Mar 2022:

      Forensic psychology is the most interesting for me – especially the investigative side so looking at offending behaviours and motivations

    • Photo: Laura Joyner

      Laura Joyner answered on 23 Mar 2022:

      My favourite topics are moral cognition and moral reasoning. How do we decide what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and how that influences our behaviour (even without having to think about it). But also, what do we do when faced with a moral dilemma (where whatever we do we will be behaving in an ‘immoral’ way).

      You might have heard about ‘The Trolley Dilemma’ (where there is a runaway tram heading towards a group of people on the track, but you have the power to divert the trolley down a track with only one person on it). What we judge to be ‘right’ will be influenced by a range of different things like their age, what we have to physically do and our genetic closeness. It’s interesting to think about how this applies in our day to day life

    • Photo: Keri Wong

      Keri Wong answered on 28 Mar 2022:

      The intersection between the causes of crime/antisocial behaviour and mental disorders like schizophrenia! I like learning about the biological, social, and psychological causes behind these behaviours!

    • Photo: Nadine Mirza

      Nadine Mirza answered on 29 Mar 2022:

      I’m definitely interested in Clinical Psychology- exploring different mental health conditions and circumstances, and how they can be managed. The aim is always to see if someone is distressed and how, as a psychologist, we can reduce their distress by working together. This could mean something like CBT, which helps them develop skills to solve or even just comfortably live with distressing situations. Or it could be psychotherapy, which usually focuses on distress because of the past, like childhood events. There are lots of different therapies and they all really interest me.

    • Photo: Jamie Chan

      Jamie Chan answered on 31 Mar 2022:

      The most interesting part of psychology to me is the social area – anything to do with how and why humans interact and behave
